Monday, August 20, 2012

Shopping, shopping and more shopping...

Today we borrowed a car and took a drive over to the IKEA store to shop for furniture and everything else you need to start a household.  We spent about 4 hours looking, measuring and pricing.  Our furniture allowance hasn't been credited yet, so it is still browsing only. Did spot a couch that I really love!

We left IKEA with a few essentials and drove over to the mall.  We had heard that Henna is something the women wear during Eid, which began yesterday.  We watched and learning about this art, and then we had a chance to participate.

When first applied the vegetable dye looks like melted chocolate.  We had the Henna applied to our hands.  Applying it to your feet is done when a woman is preparing to marry.  When the Henna dries you gently rub it off with a tissue, apply some oil and the result is an orange colored tattoo like design.  It should last a week or two.

Henna when first applied

Henna when dried 


  1. Love the couch! & the henna art!!! Beautiful! I had one done at a party this summer. Just a tip: If you get tired of it, you can soak your skin in olive oil, & gently rub to make it fade faster.

    1. Good to know. It went on so fast, talented women who apply it with such ease.

  2. I am so happy Karen shared this info with me. How I envy your adventure! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I find this easier than Facebook, so stay tuned.
