Week One...
Well, it has been seven days since I arrived in Abu Dhabi. After two very long flights I was greeted at the gate by a representative from the Abu Dhabi Education Council. He gave me a lanyard to wear and took my carry on bag. The two of us basically sprinted through the airport to the immigration office. As you can imagine there was a line, but I was taken to a small office to the side where my visa and passport were stamped while I stood in silence watching. The next stop was security were once again we cut the line and continued onto baggage claim. A porter appeared at my side and reminded me that I had three bags. I nodded and it wasn't until a few minutes later I wondered "how did he know how many bags I had?" While waiting I did get a few glances from other travelers, I guess that white lanyard and my express status had peaked their curiousity. I loved the attention!Our hotel is breathtaking. Each of us has the accomodations fit for a king or queen. There are several restaurants within the building as well as health club, spa, pool and beach. We have arrived during Ramadan, the holiday which requires fasting during dawn to dusk. We are asked to be respectful of this by not eating and drinking in public. It takes some getting used to as the temps are in the 100s and going outside you naturally want to grab a bottle of water.
Our orientation was held in the ballroom of the hotel last Sunday, which is a workday over here. We were welcomed and told of our housing assignments, banking options, payroll schedule, medical checks and the reps answered questions as best as they could. The following day we had the day to relax as the first group took drive out to Al Ain to view their housing. The stories we heard weren't pretty. The A/C on the shuttle bus went out and that meant waiting in the heat to be transferred to another bus. Several people were not pleased with their accomodations. My group went the follwoing day and once the driver was able to locate my complex we all scattered like ants or an episode of Amazing Race. My building (pictured above) is on the corner of 33rd and 34th Street. I am on the second level. The day before this visit we went to the IKEA store here in Abu Dhabi to take a look at furnishings. I will admit I was like a kid in a candy store. I was quickly spending our furniture allowance and frantically writing down style numbers etc. Well...good thing we didn't place any orders. My living room is very small and I don't think the couch I had my heart set on will fit the space. It is a brand new building so I can't complain. There is a neighborhood coffee shop, dry cleaner and small cafe. Lots of construction so who knows what the future holds for the area.
We get our school assignments on the 27th, school orientation is on the 3rd and school opens on the 9th. We have been encouraged to bring our administrator a gift of appreciation. Chocolates or figs were the suggested gift. Have to add that to the shopping list.
Yesterday we completed the medical portion of this process. How can I put this expereince into words? Imagine you've taken a ticket for the deli counter, directed to a waiting room with lines like the DMV and once you answer their questions you walk through a door where the lines resemble the return counter at Macy's after Christmas. Are you getting a clear picture? Enough said.
Today I am going to pick up my debit card for the bank account I opened during orientation. ADEC, the education council is supposed to deposit our furniture allowance into our accounts so we can start spending, but the rumors that have been circulating they say without a residency visa (being processed) you can't access the allowance. Visas can take up to 60 days to process. They have suggested that we invest ina good air mattress!
YAY!!! It worked this time, and we are NOW connected! Nice pad! Hope the air mattress brings back fun memories of the hurricane, & Bob making grilled cheese with a blowtorch...lol